Atma yoga

Publié le 31 Mai 2013

Atma Yoga
The essence of Atma Yoga is found in the Vedic philosophical treaty of Achintya-Bheda-Abheda Tattva.
The goal of Atma Yoga  is the non identification with the body or the mind because this  cloud the original soul nature or jiva from fulfilling its life purpose. That is : becoming one with the Self (ATMAN). And to become a pure servant for the Atman.
Atma Yoga is a contemplative, gentle, yet dynamic approach to the powerful intimacy of yoga. Created from compassionate self awareness, inner stillness, and core strength, the practice is a path returning to the true Self. 
The aim of Atma yoga is to enable the individual who undertakes it the attainment of a conscious identity with the Divine, the true Self, and to transform the mind, and the body so they would become fit instruments for a divine life on Earth.
"Atma Vidya or Knowledge of the Self will dawn in you through Atma Yoga. The great sages lay great emphasis on self-surrender to the Lord, and emphatically assure you that the Lord in His Infinite Mercy saves you, uplifts you and leads you to Himself. He reveals Himself to you. This is Atma-Yoga." (Swami Sivananda)
The purpose of this yoga class is to improve your experience of life. Atma-yoga does this by drawing on an ancient science of the body, mind, and soul. The essence of the science is that you are not your body, or your mind. you are, in fact, a soul. The soul is your eternal self; it has three characteristics: always confident, unimaginably wise, and blissfully happy. 
Atma yoga is a powerful way towards Self Realisation 
Yoga for your soul 
Be yourself in Harmony with yourself 
Be yourself in Harmony with Nature 
Be yourself in Divine Harmony
The aim of this yoga is the divinization of earth by bringing down what he called the Atmaboddha, which is the Truth-consciousness. The particular method is the purification of all parts of the personality and their surrender to the soul.

"After attaining Atma Yoga, many seekers continue to practice meditation and yoga, not for their many benefits, but now for humanity... Ultimate meditation… is when awareness of all the characteristics of the Self is simultaneously present at one time. For this, no doership is required or involved.” –  Sri Gnanananda


Atma Yoga


Sri Swami Sivananda

Atma Vidya or Knowledge of the Self will dawn in you through Atma Yoga. The great sages lay great emphasis on self-surrender to the Lord, and emphatically assure you that the Lord in His Infinite Mercy saves you, uplifts you and leads you to Himself. He reveals Himself to you. This is Atma-Yoga.

Not by developing a keen intellect which can indulge in hair-splitting arguments and logic-chopping, not by getting by heart hundreds of texts, nor by all kinds of austerities, can the Atman be realised; through self-surrender alone can you realise Him. The Upanishads emphatically declare that the Atman reveals Himself to that person whom He chooses. Your work consists in making yourself fit to be chosen by Him and then, to wait.

In you there are two forces. One is the Pure Self, the divine element in you, Daivi Sampat or divine qualities like purity, truthfulness, cosmic love, selflessness, mercy and others, abide in this Higher Self. The other is the lower self, the impure mind in which you find elements of Asuri Sampat or evil tendencies—lust, greed, anger, jealousy and other vices. The Higher Self is your friend, guide and philosopher; it guides you with its shrill small voice of conscience. The lower mind is your enemy—it keeps you bound to the wheel of Samsara. With the help of the Higher Self, your friend, you should conquer the lower self. You should understand this truth clear. Mere suppression of evil tendencies will not do. You should eradicate them root and branch; you should transform the whole of your mind into divine. That is the goal. By dwelling constantly on positive, divine, thoughts, you shall have to divinise your entire mind. Again and again the mind will run towards the objects of sensual enjoyment; you will have to restrain it and bring it again and again to the lotus feet of the Lord. Again and again, the terrible enemies of the Pure Source—viz., lust, anger and greed—will raise their head in your mind, you will have to reflect on their true nature and feel: They are the gates to misery, suffering and bondage, and renounce them.

You should meditate regularly. You should practise Pratyahara. You should be able to withdraw at will your sense-organs from their objects and direct the mind towards the Lord seated in the heart. When the mind is perfectly steady, when it is unwaveringly fixed to the feet of the Lord, just as the flame of a lamp placed in a room where the air is still does not waver, then the Lord will reveal Himself to you.

Remember this: your duty is to purify your heart and to make it fit for the reception of Divine Light. For this, selfless service is necessary. Japa, Kirtan, Swadhyaya and practice of divine virtues are all necessary. Then you will have to wait patiently till He reveals Himself to you. You will have to pray to Him as Arjuna prayed, ‘Oh Lord! If you think that I may see Thy Glorious Form then kindly reveal Thyself to me." Self-surrender alone can earn for you the Lord’s Grace very quickly.

The Lord is the giver of Light and the dispeller of the darkness of ignorance. He is the Light of lights. He alone can dispel the darkness of ignorance that envelopes the light of the Self that shines in your heart. So long as your individuality lasts, you cannot realise Him. So long as your own ego persists His Light will not descend. You will first have to burn up your ego if He is to reveal Himself. In the Gita, the Lord makes it very clear till man loses his identity in His Universal Nature, He cannot be realised. That is why he declares: "All beings are in Me; but I am not in them!" There is a great truth in this. You will have to ponder deeply over this utterance of the Lord. The Lord dwells in your heart, it is true, but He dwells there as the Self of all. He is not confined to anyone’s heart; He is not the Self of any one man. He is the Self. That is what He emphasises again and again.... "Ahamatma Gudakesa Sarvabhutashayasthitah." Therefore till this ‘I’ and ‘Mine’ are annihilated, one cannot know Him in reality. You should aspire for His grace. That Grace will illumine your Heart. Then He will reveal Himself to you.

How does one act to whom the Lord has revealed Himself? He sees his own Self in all beings, and he sees all beings in his own Self. He engages himself in the service of all; he is ever intent on the welfare of all. He has nothing more to achieve. He has no individuality of his own. He has become a true instrument in the hands of the Lord. The Lord’s will works through him. He is not bound by actions.

Atma Yoga is the Self Revelation. Atma Vibhuties are the manifestations of the Lord. These Atma-Vibhuties of the Lord are the fruits of His Atma Yoga. You should read the tenth chapter of the Gita daily. You should understand it clearly. The Lord has chosen to name only the best among the things as Himself. He had no time to enumerate everything. In the end He says: "I am the gambling of the cheat". Here is the Lord’s hint. You will have to understand by this that both good and evil are the manifestations of the Lord Himself. Evil is only a mode of your own thought. You will have to remove the Vritti of evil from your mind, then you will see good alone everywhere. Then you will see God and God alone everywhere. Then you will become immersed in the love of God. You will become an illustration of the Great Utterance of the Lord: "Manmanaa Bhava Madbhakto Madyaajee Maam Namaskuru Maamevaishyasi Yuktvaivamaatmaanam Matparayanah". You will shine as a great Jivanmukta or Sthitaprajna.

"Seuls, deux pouvoirs, par leur conjonction, peuvent accomplir la grande et difficile tâche qui est le but de notre effort: une aspiration constante et infaillible appelant d'en bas et une Grâce suprême répondant d'en haut.
Mais la Grâce suprême n'agira que dans les conditions de la lumière et de la vérité: elle n'agira pas dans les conditions imposées par le mensonge et l'ignorance." (Mère)
   Atma Yoga
The essence of Atma Yoga is found in the Vedic philosophical conclusion of Achintya-Bheda-Abheda Tattva, or inconceivable oneness and simultaneous difference with the supreme. The Atma Yoga fundamental practice is the non identification with the body or the mind because this can cloud the original soul nature or jiva from fulfilling its life purpose of becoming one with the spirit (ATMAN).
AtmaYoga is a contemplative, gentle, yet dynamic approach to the powerful intimacy of yoga. Created from compassionate self awareness, inner stillness, and core strength, the practice is a path returning to the true Self. My intention as a yoga teacher is to assist each practitioner to explore themselves, their own inner path, and the unlimited potential for healing and wholeness that lives in the reunion of mind, body, heart, and soul.
We all are born with a special purpose in life and are born with tremendous inner potential.
Once we explore the world and progress on the path of our lives, we gather innumerable experiences. These experiences get stored in our memories as impressions. The impressions cultivate into feelings. Some impressions or feelings are positive and some of them are negative. Negative impressions and feelings can manifest into FEAR. 
The accumulated negative Impressions, feelings and fears are the reason for unhappiness, failures, diseases, scarcity, poor relationship, mental stress, trauma etc. because they block our natural inner self being to unfold and immerge. 
Atma Yoga is like an Anti-Virus for the mental software of modern mankind and can be practiced by people of all age groups from all walks of life. It is a simple technique for mind and soul to clear inner unwanted impressions, feelings and fears.
Distortions Alters Truth Reality
A distortion is the alteration of Truth Reality which becomes an object, images, sound, waveform or other forms of information or representation while an illusion describes a misinterpretation of a sensation as the original.
Illusion Is Caused by Fear
An illusion is a distortion of the senses, revealing how the brain normally organizes and interprets sensory stimulation that is outwardly focused. While illusions are distortions of normal reality, these distortions are generally shared by most people, reinforcing the distortion as Truth which results in acquiring subtle fear being normal. Some illusions are based on general societal assumptions the brain makes in the present which are fueled by memory leading to recognition resulting in expectations and meaning that most always carry subtle emotional signals of fear.
Mistake Making is Generally Held to Mean ‘I Am’ Bad, Not Good Enough or Lacking
When One takes the Meaning of Making a Mistake to Mean ‘I Am’ Bad without Separating their Inherent Nature from having or not-having Knowledge - Fear Is There & Accumulates
A Mistake is Defined as to take in error, to miscarry, an error a blunder; to make an error, to do something in a wrong way. To understand wrongly can be embodied as Being wrong, Being bad, Being stupid, Being unaware and can include taking one thing for another, or someone for someone else. Being "mistaken" can carry an understanding that ‘I am Wrong” and can include Ones: identity, belief, notion, view, assumption, impression, idea, thinking, identification, diagnosis, interpretation, person, opinion, conclusion, judgment, conception, perception, theory, reading, concept. When this happens Fear is felt and reinforced, drains energy, makes one old, unhappy and unfulfilled.
Erroneousness Can Embody Fear
To view, understand or feel one is Erroneous contains a thought that becomes a conclusion meaning that ‘I Am’ Inn error, ‘I Am’ inaccurate as Inn being derived from an error. Mistaken which is taken to be and signifies an embodied deviation from the requirements; however in Truth what is embodied is Always Perfect Just the Way It Is All the Time. When That perfection, that ‘I Am’ is overlaid with a sense of Being less than, fear is there and that fear accumulates with every experience of feeling, thinking, acting as if ‘I Am’ less than. This applied connotation of Being Less Than without the Discerning Wisdom of Love; yet has the ability and the authority to distinguish the difference.
The Shree Maha Lakshmi Yantra is a divine instrument or a mystical diagram usually etched on either a metal with gold plating, a copper plate or a gold plate. It is considered  as  the engraved picture of the divine Atma yoga. Along with the picture a Mantra (the Sanskrit syllables) is also inscribed on the Yantra, which is a "thought form" representing divinities or cosmic powers that exert their influence on the sadhak. 
Maha Lakshmi, the divine mother, is the embodiment of beauty, grace and charm is the eternal Goddess of wealth,  light, wisdom, fertility,  generosity and wisdom. 
|| श्रीमत् परमहंस परिव्राजकाचार्य कुलतिलक यम नियमाध्यष्ठांग योग संपन्न
पद वाक्य प्रमाण पारावार पारंगत सर्वतंत्र स्वतंत्र श्रीमद्वैष्णव सिद्धांत प्रतिष्ठापनाचार्य
श्रीमद्व्यास रघुपति देव दिव्य श्रीपाद पद्मारधक श्रीमत् वरदेंद्र तीर्थ श्रीपाद
करकमल संजात श्रीमत् सुक्रतींद्र तीर्थ श्रीपाद
वर कुमारक श्रीमत् सुधींद्र तीर्थ श्रीपादैः जयते ||


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