Publié le 11 Novembre 2015

Maa, who was my Atma Yoga teacher, said this to me once, to realize God, 3 things are necessary. Sadhana Surender Service She said – Practice non stop your sadhana, it is like a spiritual breathing. When you work , do your best and then surrender the...

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Publié le 13 Octobre 2015

Atma Yoga Our true Self or Atman* is eternal Being and awareness. Atman is Satchitananda*, nondual (Advaita*) and beyond form, time, space and causality. Realizing that we are the Atman our deepest aspirations of freedom, expansion, immortality, wisdom,...

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Rédigé par Priyananda


Publié le 8 Juillet 2015

La spiritualité est une démarche d'éveil de la conscience, qui conduit à un dépassement de l'ego. Il y a une évolution naturelle de la conscience vers le spirituel. L'émergence spirituelle est naturelle, mais elle peut se fourvoyer dans de nombreuses...

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Rédigé par Priyananda


Publié le 8 Juillet 2015

Il existe un trésor inestimable d'une splendeur bien au-delà de tout ce que vous pouvez imaginer. Ce joyau est d'une grandeur infinie, d'une durée éternelle. C'est un potentiel illimité. Vous ne pouvez le capturer ni le posséder. Il s'agit de l'âme. Le...

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Rédigé par Priyananda


Publié le 22 Mars 2015

We must understand thorough knowledge the differences between the Atman and the mind and the body. It may appear to be difficult to understand but repeated study and dhyana will ultimately enlighten us and give us power to understand the difference between...

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Publié le 22 Mars 2015

According to Sri Ramanuja, Bhaktiyoga is the means for the realisation of the Self and the attainment of Moksha which constitutes eternal Bliss. It is synonymous with Upasala (meditation). That Bkakti (devotion) results wholly from Viveka (discrimination),...

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Publié le 29 Novembre 2014

Atma Yoga This world has no real, independent existence. It appears to exist, because Brahman or the Absolute exists for ever. There is no body before its birth; there is no body after its death. Think and feel that...

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Publié le 8 Juillet 2014

Atma Yoga is Kriya Yoga and Sankhya Yoga infused with the spirit of Bhakti (pure divine love.) In other words, it is a combination of Bhakti and mystic realizations received in a disciplic succession that can be traced back to Lord Brahma, the first student...

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Publié le 29 Juin 2014

In a philosophical context, the concept of an independent, unchanging, and eternal identity at the core of individuals and entities. Normally the existence of such a self is denied in Buddhism (see anātman) although a minority of modern scholars have...

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Publié le 11 Juin 2014

Truth is Satyam and Ritam In the Vedas there are two most significant words: satyam and ritam. Satyam is Truth in its pure existence. Ritam is Truth in its dynamic movement. The Sacred Cosmic Law Of Ritam Philosophy What Ritam means to me? Ritam to me...

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